Bloom's Sixth

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The shift to remote teaching this semester quickly became a form of torture by isolation inflicted upon us by microscopic organisms. There has to be a bright spot somewhere, though. Right? 13 days until isolation. A carefully planned list of 1,368 VERY IMPORTANT THINGS to do during spring break dissolves before my eyes as I am enlisted to help create a website on remote teaching. In a university conference room, a dozen people stare at laptop computers. Half-a-dozen others peer out like the Brady Bunch from a videoconference screen running Zoom. I fear this is a premonition. “The…
Read Moreabout 40 days (and 40 nights?) of teaching in confinement: A diary
Posted on by Doug Ward

This seems a perfect message for a world of shut-ins. It may very well have been created before the Covid-19 mess, but I came across it only about 10 days ago. The window is on the east side of Chalmers Hall, and it is visible only from a distance. No doubt it was created by a “Star Trek” fan. It refers to a constant refrain of the Borg, a collective of machine-enhanced beings who traverse the galaxy, conquer at will and announce: “Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.” If the corona virus could speak, it might say something much like that. So we resist in whatever way we can.…
Read Moreabout Making iPad videos, using VoiceThread, and living a life of non sequiturs
Posted on by Doug Ward

With apologies to the late Warren Zevon, isolation is hardly splendid – at least when it is forced upon us. I wrote last week about ways to create structure and belonging for students in online classes. Later in this post, you will find some information about student mental health, which was shaky even before the forced isolation. Data…
Read Moreabout A place for community during isolation from campus
Posted on by Doug Ward

The fog that settled on the Lawrence campus Monday morning seemed all too fitting. Classes officially resumed after an extended spring break, but Jayhawk Boulevard was mostly empty, as were the buses that passed by. Faculty and students alike ventured into a hazy online learning environment cobbled together with unseen computer chips and hidden strings of code. Even the most optimistic took slow, careful steps onto a path with an uncertain end point. A view east along Jayhawk Boulevard from near Marvin Hall. We’re all feeling disoriented in this virtual fog, and it’s especially important…
Read Moreabout Helping students find their way through a fog of uncertainty online
Posted on by Doug Ward

It’s the little things we miss when our routines change. This isn’t the working whistle. It’s the one on display in the Kansas Union. As classes move online, those little things will add up for faculty, staff and students. We won’t bump into colleagues along Jayhawk Boulevard. There will be no chalking on sidewalks on Wescoe Beach, no sound of the fountain on West Campus Drive, no view of the Campanile over Potter Lake, no smell of books in the stacks at Watson Library, no view of the flags atop Fraser Hall. We can …
Read Moreabout To give your online class a bit of campus feel, add a virtual whistle
Posted on by Doug Ward

One aspect of online teaching that I feared would make it less enjoyable for me as an instructor is that my students and I wouldn’t get to know one another as well as we do in our in-person courses. I thought that it would be difficult to replicate the interaction and dynamic atmosphere of a classroom where we all exchange ideas, participate in thoughtful discussions, challenge each other’s beliefs and positions, develop an understanding of and respect for one another, and come to care about each other as fellow humans. As I have developed new courses and adjusted and redesigned old…
Read Moreabout Creating community in an online course
Posted on by Doug Ward

This is what teaching online looks like. That’s not quite right. This is what planning for teaching online looks like after a week and a weekend of long days and an early meeting on Monday morning. About noon, I looked down and realized I was wearing mismatched boots. Some people wear mismatched socks. I wear mismatched boots. Rather than hide them, I showed them to everyone I met on what was probably the last day of in-person meetings for quite some time. I emailed the photo to colleagues and to my students. Everyone needed the laugh. “We’re not really laughing at you,” Diana Koslowsky…
Read Moreabout When you teach online, nobody laughs at your boots
Posted on by Doug Ward

Take a deep breath. You are about to launch into an online adventure. Yes, I know, you didn’t want to take this trip. The corona virus – and the university – made you do it. Like it or not, though, we are all on the same trip, one that will take us deep into the uncharted territory of a quickly deployed online teaching and learning matrix of enormous scale. This involves not just the University of Kansas, but hundreds of colleges and…
Read Moreabout You can complain or you can model. Which will your students see?
Posted on by Doug Ward

Distilling hundreds of comments about the future of the university into something manageable and meaningful is, in understated terms, a challenge. The university’s department of Analytics and Institutional Research accomplished that, though, creating a 73-item list that summarizes ideas from a fall planning session and from comments submitted through an online portal. That list, titled What We Could Do at KU, was distributed to the 150 or so university employees who gathered last week for…
Read Moreabout Strategic planning and the role of teaching and learning
Posted on by Doug Ward

WASHINGTON – As colleges and universities prepare to encounter what has become known as a cliff in traditional student enrollment, they are looking for ways to reach out, branch out, and form partnerships that might once have been unthinkable. That desire to branch out was clear from the sessions I attended at the annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities. For instance, speakers at the conference urged colleagues and their universities to…
Read Moreabout As challenges mount, higher ed looks in new directions
Posted on by Doug Ward