This content is being reviewed in light of recent changes to federal guidance.

Faculty Ambassadors

Each department or division chair at KU has been invited to identify a liaison, called an Ambassador, to the Center. These individuals are chosen because they are seen as strong advocates for the University’s teaching mission and, equally important, because they are respected by their colleagues for their teaching. Ambassadors connect CTE to faculty within each department.

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Aerospace EngineeringKaplinger, Brian
African & African-American StudiesTrouillot, Alexis
American StudiesPence, Ray
AnthropologyNorman, Lauren
ArchitectureHong, Kurt
CEA EngineeringLines, Brian
Chemical & Petroleum EngineeringCorson, Elizabeth
ChemistrySharpe Elles, Lisa
CODLBeecher, Amy Leigh
Communication StudiesKretsinger-Harries, Anne
Curriculum & TeachingHerrmann-Ginsberg, Laurie
DesignPark, Hannah
East Asian Languages & CulturesCho, Eun Ah
Ecology & Evol. BiologySikes, Ben
EconomicsEarnhart, Dietrich
Ed. Leadership & Policy StudiesFoste, Zak
French, Francophone & Italian StudiesSwanson, Kim
GeographyPu, Bing
GeologyZhang, Chi
HistoryHagel, Jonathan
History of ArtMonty, Emily
HSESBogina, Austin
Jewish StudiesSenderowicz, Omri
Journalism & Mass CommunicationsConlin, Jeff
KU LibrariesOvsak, Ambe
LawDaily, Melanie
LinguisticsPolitzer-Ahles, Steve
MathematicsHodges, Reuven
MathematicsYang, Ruijie
MathematicsBrowne, Sarah
Medicinal ChemistryErber, Luke
Molecular BiosciencesDe Guzman, Roberto
MusicMatney, Bill
PhilosophyFrykholm, Erin
Physics & AstronomyBrunetti, Maria
Political ScienceVera, Sofia
PsychologyMcCartney, Marsha
Religious StudiesRobert, Nikia Smith
School of Public Affairs AdminAltamimi, Hala
Social WelfareBagwell-Gray, Meredith
SociologyWright, Lisa-Marie
Spanish & PortugueseGullickson, Sean
Special EducationGriswold, Deb
Speech-Language-HearingSummers, Courtney
Spencer Museum of ArtStraughn, Celka
Theatre & DanceStewart, Shannon
University Career CenterDavis, Rachel
Visual ArtJordan, Mary Anne
Writing CenterDemmerle, Samantha

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Faculty Ambassadors help CTE fulfill its mission by:

  • Guiding the Center in the development of its programs. Ambassadors help CTE leaders understand teaching-related matters in departments. They serve as a sounding board for ideas, and they reflect the needs and interests of their colleagues.

  • Communicating information about CTE to department faculty. Both formally and informally, Ambassadors let their colleagues know what’s going on at CTE. They share updates, and they encourage colleagues to participate in CTE workshops and discussions.

  • Advocating the University’s teaching mission within their departments. Ambassadors do this in such ways as mentoring new faculty and emphasizing the importance of teaching at key points (during faculty searches, for example).