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Portfolios with Keyword Discussions

Title Sort descending Author Discipline Keyword(s)
Creating Teachable Moments in a Research Methods Class—Paul Atchley (2008) Atchley Psychology Discussions
Drawing Parallels between Aesthetic Experience and Life Experience—Danny Anderson (2006) Anderson Spanish Discussions
Encouraging Undergraduate Music Education Students to Read Professional Literature—Debra Hedden (2008) Hedden Music education & therapy Discussions
Improving Integration of Capstone Literature in Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Sport—Jordan Bass (2014) Bass Health, sport & exercise sciences Discussions
Inspiring “Real-World” Knowledge in Principles of Nutrition and Health—Ashley Herda (2014) Herda Health, sport & exercise sciences Discussions
Introducing Ethics to Geography Graduate Students Using Various Instructional Materials Slocum Geography Discussions
Out of the Comfort Zone and Into an Engaging Experience: Flipping a Course to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking—Kathleen Nuckolls (2014) Nuckolls Environmental studies Discussions
Preparing Music Educators to Work with Special Needs Students—Cynthia Colwell (2006) Colwell Music education & therapy Discussions
Student Engagement in a Large Lecture Course: Using Technology and Oral Evaluation to Invite More Students into the Conversation—Sarah Robins (2017) Robins Philosophy Discussions
Testing for Deep Understanding Eggleston Philosophy Discussions
Using Collaborative Tools to Deepen Understanding of Research Methods—Mugur Geana (2010) Geana Journalism Discussions
Using Inquiry in the American Literature I Survey—Sonya Lancaster (2008) Lancaster English Discussions