Bloom's Sixth

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Here’s another approach to using silence as a motivator for active learning. I’ve written previously about how Genelle Belmas uses classroom silence to help students get into a “flow state” of concentration, creativity, and thinking. Kathryn Rhine, as associate professor of anthropology, uses silence in as part of an activity that challenges students to think through class material and exchange ideas but without speaking for more than 30 minutes. Kathryn Rhine explains…
Read Moreabout Engaging students through silent contemplation
Posted on by Doug Ward

Collin Bruey and Laura Phillips check out posters at the Service Showcase. Bruey and Phillips created their own poster about work at the Center for Community Outreach. By Doug Ward I’m frequently awed by the creative, even life-changing, work that students engage in. The annual Service Showcase sponsored by the Center for Service Learning, provides an impressive display of that work. This year’s Showcase took place last week. As a judge for the Showcase over the past two years, I’ve learned how…
Read Moreabout How students have taken learning into the community
Posted on by Doug Ward

By Doug Ward One poster offers to explain the chemistry of the world’s most popular drug. Another teases about the fatty acids that make T-shirts feel soft. Still another promises secrets about the oils used in making the perfect chicken nugget. None of them offers its secrets outright, though. And that’s just how Drew Vartia, a postdoctoral teaching fellow in the chemistry department, wants it. A poster in Malott Hall refers people to information about the chemistry of soap. The posters were created by the 60 students in Honors Chemistry I, which Vartia worked on with Professor…
Read Moreabout Using QR codes to spread learning about chemistry
Posted on by Doug Ward

The recent (Re)imagining Humanities Teaching conference (PDF) offered a template for the future of teaching in higher education. With its emphasis on teaching as a scholarly activity, the conference challenged participants to find effective ways to document student learning, to build and maintain strong communities around teaching, and to approach courses as perpetual works in progress that adapt to the needs of students. Pat Hutchings speaks during a plenary session at the (Re)imagining Humanities…
Read Moreabout 4 key components of effective teaching, now and for the future
Posted on by Doug Ward

Students engaged in active learning tend to be gloriously noisy. They share ideas and insights with each other. They write on whiteboards. They debate contentious topics. They work problems. They negotiate group projects. In Genelle Belmas’s Gamification class, though, active learning took the form of silence – at least for a day. That’s right. Silence — in a room with more than 100 students. A seat creaked now and then. Someone coughed. A notebook rustled. Otherwise, nothing. If you don’t believe me, listen to the video in the multimedia file below. Just don’t expect to hear much.…
Read Moreabout Embracing the quiet side of active learning
Posted on by Doug Ward

The annual conference of the Association of American Colleges and Universities(link does not exist) offered many thought-provoking sessions, teaching tips and discussions about the future of higher education. I wrote earlier about some of the themes. Here’s a sampling of some of the other ideas that stood out. The importance of engaged learning A session on engaged learning offered some of the most insightful observations of the conference. Engaged learning…
Read Moreabout At AAC&U, insights on who we are and where we need to go
Posted on by Doug Ward