Bloom's Sixth

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For many students and educators, this year’s election felt personal. Women were ridiculed for their physical appearanceMexican immigrants were called drug traffickers and rapists. …
Read Moreabout Negotiating difficult post-election conversations
Posted on by Doug Ward

Alma Clayton-Pedersen offers this vision for higher education: “Imagine what a nation we would be if students really took away everything we wanted them to have,” she said at last week’s Teaching Summit in Lawrence. Alma Clayton-Pedersen at the KU Teaching Summit Problem is, they don’t. Much of the reason for that, she said, has to do with their background, the quality of the education they received before college, the way they are treated in college, and the connections they feel – or don’t feel – to their peers, their instructors and their campus. We talk about college readiness as…
Read Moreabout To provide equity, ‘we need to be focused on all our students’
Posted on by Doug Ward

We have all felt like “the other” at some point in our lives. “The other” is an outsider, someone who feels vastly different from those where they live and work. Being “the other” is uncomfortable and unsettling. It generates self-consciousness and suspicion. It drains energy. Mark Mort works with students in Biology 152. Recent events on campuses around the country have made it clear that far too many of our students feel like “the other.” For some, it’s the color of their skin. For others, their ethnicity, their sexual identity, or even their political views. They feel as if they have…
Read Moreabout Resources for making our teaching more inclusive
Posted on by Doug Ward