Bloom's Sixth

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By Doug Ward Concealed carry laws in Colorado, Idaho and Texas generated considerable anxiety among faculty members and students when they took effect over the past few years. Many feared for their safety. Others worried about whether they could teach controversial topics in the same way. “It felt like the end of the world here,” a professor in Idaho said. Many faculty members at the University of Kansas have had much the same response to the Kansas concealed carry law, which allows anyone 21 or older to carry a concealed weapon in most areas of the university. That law took…
Read Moreabout Putting concealed carry on campus into perspective
Posted on by Doug Ward

For many students and educators, this year’s election felt personal. Women were ridiculed for their physical appearanceMexican immigrants were called drug traffickers and rapists. …
Read Moreabout Negotiating difficult post-election conversations
Posted on by Doug Ward

Notes by hand or with laptops? Sorry, wrong question. Cathy Davidson raises exactly the right question in the debate about whether students should take notes by hand or with laptops in class. The real issue, Davidson writes, is that instructors should be working to avoid lecture and instead engage students in active learning. Even in a large lecture hall, …
Read Moreabout Education Matters: Active learning, Educause, and student skill levels
Posted on by Doug Ward