Bloom's Sixth

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If I were to design the perfect learning experience, it would have all the components that Chad Kraus included in a studio architecture class he taught this fall. Chad Kraus with a prototype of the Haitian center his students designed. Start with a problem that has no single or simple solution. Study the problem, the context and the people involved. Learn the skills that will help solve the problem. Practice the skills with teammates. Get feedback from instructors and peers. Apply the skills in an authentic assignment. Teach others the skills you have learned. Reflect on the work…
Read Moreabout Class’s Haiti project is a labor of love steeped in learning
Posted on by Doug Ward

By Doug Ward One poster offers to explain the chemistry of the world’s most popular drug. Another teases about the fatty acids that make T-shirts feel soft. Still another promises secrets about the oils used in making the perfect chicken nugget. None of them offers its secrets outright, though. And that’s just how Drew Vartia, a postdoctoral teaching fellow in the chemistry department, wants it. A poster in Malott Hall refers people to information about the chemistry of soap. The posters were created by the 60 students in Honors Chemistry I, which Vartia worked on with Professor…
Read Moreabout Using QR codes to spread learning about chemistry
Posted on by Doug Ward