Mentoring for Inclusion

Mentoring for Inclusion: A Faculty & Staff Learning Community
Join a community of practice that will bring together mentors from across campus to collaborate, develop their skills, and learn from each other.
Thursdays, November 14 & December 5, 12 – 1 pm (lunch provided)
In person at CTE – 135 Budig Hall
Registration deadlines: November 12/December 3
You are invited to join the Center for Teaching Excellence and BESST Program for a faculty and staff learning community focused on Mentoring for Inclusion.
Each month, we meet over lunch to discuss our undergraduate mentoring experiences and learn more about the research behind best practices in undergraduate mentoring. Discussion topics will center on themes identified by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) consensus study on mentorship, including topics such as mentoring models and theories and understanding the importance of identity in mentorship. The group will work together to determine additional topics of interest based on group experiences and needs.
Faculty and staff from all academic areas are highly encouraged to participate regardless of the context in which you mentor undergraduate students (teaching, research, informally, etc).
Our meetings will take place at the Center for Teaching Excellence in 135 Budig Hall from 12-1pm on February 19, March 12, April 10, and May 8(lunch provided).
Registration deadlines: For each meeting, please RSVP by two days prior to the meeting.
Mentoring for Inclusion Office Hours
New to mentoring? Not sure how to handle a new mentoring situation? Dyan Morgan, associate teaching professor in Undergraduate Biology and CTE Faculty Fellow, will hold office hours at the Center for Teaching Excellence on Wednesdays from 11 am - Noon. Drop in or contact her at email to schedule a time to discuss your mentoring questions. Dyan has mentored students in biology and biology education research. She has also managed student research programs, where she helped students and mentors troubleshoot challenges.