CTE Poster Sample Gallery
This gallery of poster examples represents some of the best teaching and course redesign work accomplished by faculty members, instructional staff members, and departmental programs at KU.
Creating a More Interactive Undergraduate Linguistics Curriculum
Philip T. Duncan, Caitlin Coughlin, John Gluckman, Robert Fiorentino, & Andrew McKenzie (2019)

Transforming Social Media Curriculum: Data Hub for Evidence-based Teaching
Hyejin Bang, Yvonnes Chen, Joseph Erba & Hyunjin Seo (2019)

Transforming 1st Year through 4th Year Courses: Geology Course Innovations
Diane Kamola, Andreas Möller, Noah McLean, Jennifer A. Roberts, and Alison Olcott (2019)

Applying an Interdisciplinary Knowledge Model in Environmental Studies
Ali Brox, Kelly Kindscher, Terry Loecke, Paul Stock (2019)

Building a Doorway to the French-speaking World through StoryMaps
Antje Ziethen (2019)

Redesigning Introduction to Humanities
Aimee Wilson, Dale Urie, and Antha Cotten-Spreckelmeyer (2019)