Bloom's Sixth

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By Doug Ward At a meeting to provide highlights of KU’s latest climate survey, Emil Cunningham of Rankin & Associates asked audience members a question: What is the point of higher education? “Students,” someone in the audience said. “That’s right,” he said. “Our purpose for being here is students.” Cunningham is right, but the answer is more complicated than that. A university is an intellectual community with many different interests and goals that compete for the time of faculty members, staff members and students. Those include research, and service to the community, the…
Read Moreabout Climate survey shows an undervaluing of teaching
Posted on by Doug Ward

Innovation, meet frustration. I’ve written frequently about how the lack of a reward system hampers (if not quashes) attempts to improve teaching and learning, especially at research universities.  A new survey only reinforces that short-sighted approach. The survey was conducted by the…
Read Moreabout Innovate teaching? If only …
Posted on by Doug Ward

Most Americans still see a four-year degree as important, but it is not at the top of the list of things that will help someone achieve a successful career, a recent Heartland Monitor poll suggests. In the poll, respondents ranked technology skills, an ability to work with diverse groups of people, keeping skills current, and having family connections above a four-year college degree. They certainly didn’t dismiss a college education. More than half said a…
Read Moreabout Higher education’s tarnished image (part 2)
Posted on by Doug Ward