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By Doug Ward Here’s a secret about creating a top-notch assessment plan: Make sure that it involves cooperation among faculty members, that it integrates assignments into a broader framework of learning, and that it creates avenues for evaluating results and using them to make changes to courses and curricula. Lorie Vanchena, Nina Vyatkina and Ari Linden of the department of Germanic languages and literatures accepted the Degree-Level Assessment Award from Stuart Day, interim vice provost for academic affairs. Actually, that’s not really a secret – really, it’s just good assessment…
Read Moreabout Three things that help create a great assessment plan
Posted on by Doug Ward

By Doug Ward When it comes to seeing the truth, the facts sometimes get in the way. Audrey Watters makes that argument in an intriguing blog post on the results of the presidential election. During the election, she said, a focus on facts (in the form of data) caused many people to overlook many voters’ willingness to shrug off Donald Trump’s inflammatory statements, conspiracy theories and falsehoods and put him in the White…
Read Moreabout Searching for truth beyond a fortress of facts
Posted on by Doug Ward