Bloom's Sixth

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Here’s a glimpse into the classroom of the future. It’s huge, and I mean HUGE: big enough for a football field, a magical playground, a dig site for studying bones, and an area for playing with dogs, bears and dolphins. It has cool carpet and places for listening. The tables are spread out and you can choose among giant chairs, bouncy chairs and floating chairs. It has crayons, of course, but also drawers to hold skulls (from the dig site, no doubt) and a secret room. Best of all, it has a portal to a lake and a monorail that will take you anywhere. Are you on board? I was when I visited…
Read Moreabout What does an ideal classroom look like? Ask a second-grader
Posted on by Doug Ward

In a previous post, I wrote about my experiences with room design, student behavior and learning. I found that students were far more engaged when I moved class to a collaborative space, and that they reverted to passive behavior when class returned to the traditional space we were assigned. The March issue of …
Read Moreabout Research roundup: How classroom space influences learning
Posted on by Doug Ward

Here’s my challenge for the week: Rearrange the furniture in your classroom. Go ahead. Have students help you. Some may look at you quizzically, but they will soon understand. If the room has tables, push them together and create collaborative clusters or arrange them in a U shape. If it has individual seats, get rid of the rows. Make it easier for students to see one another and to talk to one another. Make it easy for you to sit among them. Break down the hierarchies. Break down the barriers. Photo via Illustration by Doug Ward. Are you with me? If not, ask yourself why. Yes,…
Read Moreabout Why you should think differently about your classroom
Posted on by Doug Ward