Bloom's Sixth

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We can glean many lessons from the most recent college admissions scandal. A system that purports to be merit-based really isn’t. Standardized testing can be gamed. A few elite universities hold enormous sway in the American imagination. Hard work matters less than the ability to write a big check. The wealthy will do anything
Read Moreabout Admissions scandal shines a harsh light on the ‘product’ of higher ed
Posted on by Doug Ward

By Doug Ward A recent study about reading on mobile phones surprised even the researchers. The study, by the digital consulting firm Nielsen Norman Group, found that reading comprehension on mobile phones matched that of reading on larger computer screens. The results were the same with shorter, easier articles (400 words at an eighth-grade level) and longer, more difficult articles (990 words at a 12-grade level). A similar study six years earlier found lower comprehension when…
Read Moreabout A reason to reconsider students’ mobile reading
Posted on by Doug Ward